Soccer Programs


Jr. Soccer

This program is designed to teach the game of soccer by hiding drills in fun games and using association techniques that get on the players’ level. By engaging the players at all times, there will be no sitting and waiting. The program covers simple foot skills, dribbling, passing, shooting, basic rules, spreading the field, and more! This program keeps all players active and is a great base to prepare them for the next level of play. 

Soccer League

This funstructional league creates a fun, safe, learning environment that enables kids to experience soccer regardless if they have played before or if they are beginners. Each game is preceded by a twenty minute skills training session. Every player will receive a team jersey and a participation award. Players must bring their own soccer cleats, shin guards, and soccer ball (size 4) to all classes.

Futsal Skills

Developing indoor soccer game skills and demanding quick reflexes, fast-thinking and pin-point passing, Futsal is played with a special low-bounce ball, requiring players to use their skills rather than the ball’s bounce to propel it.